11 October 2007

World’s Culture(New version)

What is the culture?

Someone told me “culture is the activity people do to conform to morals, beliefs and resource”. I don’t understand what it means. In my opinion the culture is the activity that people do. But my thing is wrong.

In every society there is ones own culture and in the other places there are different culture. It makes every society different.

I think culture changes by society accepting change (or maybe by influential people) because when people around you haven’t agreed with you maybe they would ban you. Or if they accept maybe they would support you.

Almost thing is grey. It isn’t white or black. Nothing that is all good and nothing is all bad too. The culture is like this is. Some cultures many people think it is very bad or wild but some people think it ok or maybe good. It’s like that because everybody has different experience. They don’t meet the same thing. They have their reason,such as their beliefs. It’s not wrong if their opinions are different.

The culture that I think people around the world agree with most is from the western like the language if anybody can’t use English language there are the problem to conversation with a lot of people(Language isn't culture).

04 October 2007

What society expects of me

Now society expects many people to a have high education. If they don’t have high education they would not have the work. It is very important because if they haven’t a job they would not have the money.

Because of that my family wants me to have good work and a good future then they want me to have high education. Although they don’t take me have too much special learning they take me to have special learning about the things that they think is important. I am bored with it. I don’t want to do it but I didn’t tell them “I don’t like it”. Maybe they didn’t know my opinion. It is my mistake.

I think the education is not the only thing to make the good future.

Sometimes they stop me from going out from the house. They don’t let me know about outside. They think it is dangerous for me and outside is really dangerous. I don’t agree with them about this too much. It makes me to be an innocent girl and in the future I would be in danger because I don’t have a protector like now.

Maybe inside my house is better than outside. I don't know.