21 September 2007

Teenagers today in my thinking

Teenagers today have more chances than in the past.

The good chances are like the chance about education . We can learn by the technology like searching information by the internet. It is faster than finding information from books. They can find the information from around the world.

Society today is very dangerous. Sometimes we see somegirl teenagers wearing the sexy clothes. It is the fashion but it is dangerous for them from the men. I think they can wear like that if they can take care of themselves but if I was them I would not wear clothes like that. Or sometimes we see some teenagers use the brand name that is expansive with their parents money. I think they can do this because their parents give them the money.

Some teenagers are lazy, maybe it is like that because there is much technology to make them comfortable or because now there is more entertainment than in the past. I think many people like entertainment more than doing the work (me too) but if we can’t control ourselves to do the thing that should done it can make us lose the chance.

For every teenager "thinking carefully before do something and use the chance that you have".

14 September 2007

My name is..."Aim".

I am a simple girl in Thailand. People who know me call me “Aim”. Now I am 15 years old.

In my free time I like to read novels and sleep all the time. Sometimes I like to play games but I am bored too fast and that means I can’t be the gamer. I start to read novel books when I was 10-12 years old. My first book that I read all of it was “Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets”. I used 1 month or more(to read that book) I can’t really remember. But it made me like to read novels.

My dream when I was 6 years old was I wanted to be an inventor but when I was 11 years old I wanted to be an architect like my father, but then now I want to be a doctor. I don’t know in the future maybe I can’t be doctor because I am too lazy or maybe I can be the doctor, we can’t know. “The dream will be come true if we try and do it” I think like that because of that I must try and do something for my dream.